3DS Max object with sphere scattered on vertexes to show how to add vertex in 3ds max rendernode
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3DS Max, Tutorials

5 Ways to Add a Vertex in 3DS Max

3D modeling software packages come with a dizzying number of tools to help create just about any type of geometry. These tools can create spheres, particle systems, procedural objects, and even animate objects! No matter how powerful these types of tools are, almost every project requires the manual editing of 3D models. Knowing how to add a vertex in 3DS Max can help avoid starting from scratch and even make adding complexity much easier. Below...

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photoshop bump map tutorial
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Photoshop, Tutorials

Creating Bump Maps in Photoshop

Bump maps are used in imaging software, usually 3D rendering software, to simulate texture on a surface. This might be the slight indentations of grain textures on wood or the deep scarring of a war-torn concrete wall. Bump maps are probably the easiest way to add an extra dimension of photorealism and should be part of any 3D artists standard texturing workflow. Highlights Bump maps save time in simulating texture effects on 3D models Bump...

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Blog, Resources

A List of 3D Forums & Communities

Most of the 3D artists I've met over the years have one thing in common: they're all self-taught. Sure, maybe they've got a course or two under their belts, but the vast majority of their skillsets have been learned through scouring the Internet for hours at a time. That, and banging their head against the wall! 3D Forums & Online Tutorials There's a lot of places to learn about 3D modeling and rendering today but that's not...

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Rendernode Seat Cushion Modeling Tutorial
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3DS Max, Tutorials

How To Model a Seat Cushion in 3D Studio Max

One of the trickiest types of 3D models to create is one which features elements made of fabric. The texturing can be difficult, but creating realistic geometry for these elements can be tricky as well. For advanced fabrics such as curtains, clothing, or bedding there are dedicated solutions such as Marvelous Designer.For simpler cases such as basic chair seat cushions, it's often easier to keep everything inside of 3D Studio Max rather than juggling multiple...

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UVW Mapping Channels Rendernode
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3DS Max, Tutorials

How To Use UV Mapping Channels in 3D Studio Max

UV Mapping channels can help map separate textures to a single object in such a way that allows different UV tiling configurations. This is useful in cases where blending masks are used, different resolution textures are used, or when repeating patterns need to be broken up for a more natural look. In this tutorial, you'll see how to quickly leverage UV Mapping to add a grungy water splashing effect to the bottom of a wall...

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